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Blast from the Past
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American School Foundation Class of '77
48th Reunion in Oaxaca Mexico November 6-10 '25
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American School Foundation Class of '77
48th Reunion in Oaxaca Mexico November 6-10 '25
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American School Foundation Class of '77
48th Reunion in Oaxaca Mexico November 6-10 '25
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Classmate Links
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Message Board
In Memory
Blast from the Past
Blast from the Past
7th/8th Grade class Photos
Junipero Photo
20th Reunion
25th Reunion
35th Reunion
Video 35th Reunion
Historical Events in 1977
Music Top 77 of 1977
Reunion Committee
Donation Center
Classmates In Federal District: 34
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Leticia Albarran
Isabel Bagnasco
Paul Beltran-76
Matilde Betti Berutto (Kohler)
Vivian Birch (Mussali)
Adria Brunner
Luis Carrion
Frank Cornew
Rafael Escandon Timm (Escandon …)
Yolanda Escandon-81
Tesi Escorza
Barbara Estrada-76
Gail Flyckt-79
Paul Goebel
Benito Guerra
Mordo Guerson
John Hogan
Richard Katzman
Marcos Kohler
Marlene Llopiz (Ruiz)
Monica Lombardo
Gina Lombardo-76 (Tremari)
Alberto Lomnitz
Felipe Lopez
Judith Mariscal
Roberto Missrie
"Mimi" Philomena Patricia…
Ronnie Pool
Carl Rianhard
Ramón Rojas
Viviane Romano
Armida Sánchez (Thornton)
Roberto Shapiro-76
Mariana Vazquez (Hermosillo)