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Classmate Profiles/Register

     User has created a profile: 196
     Profile contains photos: 64
     Military Service: 6
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 196    Newest Members: 196    Latest Comments: 62  

Elias Atri   
Eric Bishop    
Joe Cadena   
Mark Caicedo    
Geoff Cole    
Jim Diehl   
Craig Diez   
Tony Donato    
Mike Fitch    
Carla Furtado    
Robert Geiss    
Sue Green-76    
Anita Hesketh    
John Hogan   
Tim Howley   
Mike Kassem    
Scott Keeler    
Miguel Koenig    
Rich Koning    
Katie Kozuch    
Janet Kyle   
Felipe Lopez    
John Marty   
James Piculas    
Ronnie Pool    
Ray Rasker    
Napuseno Smith     
Jeff Sprague    
Ray Tirado     
Henry Urquidi    
Ali Zaidi    

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